Monday, March 23, 2009

Lex and Laura's Six Month Countdown To Do List

I love making to do lists. I'm constantly jotting down little things like "pay bills", "email friends and family", "update blog", etc. because writing it out helps me focus and follow through with my goals. I don't just make to do lists for day to day things though, I actually have a "Life To Do list". About a year or so ago, I was living in New York and going through a post-college slump, not satisfied with my job or the general path that I was on, so I decided to make a to do list for my life. I didn't make the list just to write down my hopes and dreams, but actually to commit to doing certain things in my life, such as traveling and finding a career that I'm passionate about. Making this list has not only helped me commit to things, it more importantly has helped me visualize my future and start living my life how I want it to be now. In fact, that list probably played a huge part in me actually coming to Korea.

So, a few weeks ago, my friend Alexis and I went to Jeonju for a weekend trip, and while we were there we realized that it was the exact halfway point of our Korean adventure. Although there have definitely been moments where we've thought "I can't wait to get out of here!" those moments have been few and far between. For the most part, the first half of our experience has been amazing and we're determined to make the most out of these last six months (now only five months as I write this). So, seeing as how I love making to do lists, I suggested that we write one for the rest of our time in Korea. There are many things that we've already done, but there are so many more things that we want to see and do while we're here, so I wanted to get it all down on paper.

Lex and Laura's Six Month Countdown To Do List:
(to be completed by Alexis, Laura and company prior to August 31, 2009.

- Go to the famous and beautiful Jeju-do Island and rent scooters
- Go to the DMZ
- Go to the Green Tea plantations in Beosong
- Learn to make kimchi!! (take a korean cooking class)
- Do a camping trip
- Take a Taekwondo class
- Go to a lantern festival
- Cheer at a Lotte Giants Baseball Game (Busan's team)
- Do a temple stay
- Go to the Boryeong Mud Festivial...which is on my birthday!
- Wear traditional Korean clothing called Hanbok
- See the cherry blossoms (did it this weekend!)
- Experience the craziness of Haeundae Beach in the summer
- Travel to China and SE Asia before going home

So far that's what we have, but I'm guessing we will probably add more things as we get closer to leaving. I am most excited to see places in Korea like Jeju-do, the green tea plantations and the DMZ. Jeju Island is probably the most famous place to travel in Korea because it's a subtropical island south of the mainland and has a massive volcano in the center. It is known as the Korea's honeymoon destination, but you don't have to be a newlywed to enjoy its awesomeness. People go year round, but summer is the best time and the best way to see the island is by scooter, which I definitely plan to do. Of course, I also have to go to the DMZ while I'm here so I can take a picture making a peace sign next to a North Korean soldier. Then, there are the cultural things that I still want to experience. Alexis and I both love Korean food and want to learn as much about cooking it before we leave so that we can make it when we get home. I also have to do a temple stay (Lex has already done it) so I'll do that with another friend one weekend this spring (or maybe on my own to make it a truly spiritual experience).

There are a lot of things that I've already done, which were on my original Korea to do list. Those include eating live octopus and other bizarre foods, going to the cities of Gyongju and Jeonju, my trips to Japan and Thailand, taking Korean lessons, making Korean friends, experiencing Korean traditions and so on. So there you have it, the official "Lex and Laura Six Month Countdown To Do list." I hope you look forward to reading about my adventures, I know I certainly can't wait to start living them.

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